TNC Ports

The XMLog Packet Window allows you make connections using a TNC on serial port (e.g. COM1) or via the Internet. This section covers serial ports, for information on Internet connections see Packet Port Parameters - Internet Ports.

To make connections using your local TNC choose Options/Packet Options and Port Select, pick the Port tab and set these port parameters:

Port Type

Set type to "Comm Port" to access a local TNC.


PCs have communications ports with names like COM1 or COM2. Check your TNC manual for help on connecting your TNC to one of these ports and then set Port to the port you choose.

Since XMLog can also use a comm port for CW keying or for rig control you may get a message about port conflicts. If you get this message choose Options/CW Options or Options/Rig Port Select and resolve any conflicts - be sure each feature is using a different port.

Baud Rate

This value sets the speed that characters are exchanged between your PC and the TNC; it doesn't affect the speed at which characters are transmitted (usually 1200 baud). Even though you can't transmit faster than 1200 baud it's still a good idea to set your TNC-to-computer baud rate higher since output from local TNC commands will display faster.

If you have problems with garbled output from your TNC check your TNC manual for information on setting the baud rate or for details on how to enable automatic baud rate detection.


Most TNCs have commands that control whether characters sent to it are echoed back to the PC. If you can't set your TNC to echo then turn XMLog's echo option on.

Normally it's best to have XMLog's echo turned off and your TNC's echo turned on. With this set up it will be obvious when your PC-to-TNC connection isn't working (because you forgot to turn on your TNC?).

Flow Control

Most TNCs support various types of flow control. Flow control allows the TNC to signal that it has so much unsent data that further data sent to it will be discarded. Check your TNC manual for commands that enable flow control and set the corresponding XMLog flow control parameters.

Parity, Stop Bits and Data Bits

For most TNCs set Parity to "None", Stop Bits to "1" and Data Bits to "8".

Comm Port Auto-Connect - Node File Name

If you enter a node file name in this field XMLog will use this file to establish a connection when the Packet window is opened. For information on creating node files see Automatic Node Connections. A comm port node file example DX.NOD is supplied with XMLog.

Note that when you select the node file it should be appropriate for the current port type. In other words don't use an Internet node file if you're currently connected using your TNC port or vice versa.