County Award Tracking

County Report Types

Choose Awards/County Totals to produce a summary that includes the number of counties worked and the QSL status summaries for each band and mode.

Choose Awards/County Checklist to produce a detailed list of your county status, county-by-county and band-by-band.

Choose Awards/Counties Worked+Confirmed to produce a report that shows which counties have been worked or confirmed. This report shows one confirmed callsign and up to three unconfirmed callsigns for each county. This report lets you know which QSOs are candidates for award submission or for QSL requests.

Choose Awards/County Critical QSOs to produce a list of QSOs that if confirmed, would boost your county totals. Just scan down the QSL Sent column to see which cards haven't been sent or are long overdue and should be sent again. A ! is used to flag a line representing a QSO that would increment your county totals for all bands. A + is used to flag a line representing a QSO that would increment county totals for one mode. Un-flagged lines represent QSOs that would increment single band totals. For more information see Critical QSO Summaries.

Report Options - Selecting Entries and Destinations

The Awards/County reports display an options dialog box that allows you to select which log entries are included in the report - all log entries or only the entries that were selected by the last log search.

The options dialog also allows you to select the report destination; "Screen", "File", "Printer", or any combination.

If you don't choose "File" or "Printer" as a destination you can still save or print the contents of the report by choosing File/Print or File/Save As... from the report window. You can also save or print the report using the icons at the lower right of the report window.

Report Options - "Reset Current Records to Those in Report"

By default any Awards/Counties report that creates a list of QSOs or callsigns resets the "currently selected" log entries to the log entries that appear in the report. This has the effect of substituting a new set of log entries for the entries you selected on your last log search. So, if you don't want your currently selected entries changed, un-set this option.

Double-clicking on Callsigns

Double-clicking on callsigns in a Counties report will move the Log window to the corresponding entry.

Validating County Names

County and state names are not validated when they are entered - choose Awards/County Validation to produce a report of unrecognized counties.

Selecting from the County List

When adding or editing a log entry you can display the County List and set the county by:

The entries in the County List are sorted by the state and then by county. You can move to the first entry for a state by filling in Move to first county in state. To select an entry from the list use Select or double-click on a county name.

Alaskan Counties

Alaska is a special case. For purposes of the County Hunters awards Alaska is divided into four districts: Central, South Central, Southeastern, and Northwestern. You can use these values in the County field of log entries as well as the actual county names. The various county reports described above always display district names and automatically map county names into their appropriate district.