Log Options

When you choose Options/ Log Fields, Fonts, Default File... you can display and change the following options:

Default Log File

This option selects a log file to be opened when XMLog starts up. If you don't want a log opened at startup leave this field blank. For more information see Creating a New Log File and Opening an Existing Log File.

Report Screen Font

Sets the font for reports displayed on the screen.

Report Printer Font

Sets the font for printed reports.

Log Font

Sets the font for fields displayed in the Log window.

Show Modify Button

If Show Modify Button is disabled you can click on any log field to enter edit mode. If Show Modify Button is enabled you must select the Modify button to enter edit mode. For more information see Entering Edit Mode.

Use UTC for QSO Date/Time

Use UTC rather than local time. This option only affects dates and times set by XMLog for the QSO date and time in log entries. For more information see Adding New Log Entries.

Show New Entries after Add or Import

If this option is set newly added or imported entries will become the "currently selected entries" after you've finished adding or importing.

If this option is not set any new entries will not be among the currently selected entries after adding or importing.

Callsigns to Upper Case

If this option is set the Call field will be mapped to upper case when an entry is imported, added or edited.

Date Format

Selects the format used for entering and displaying dates. The format can be mm/dd/yy or dd/mm/yy.

Note: Dates contained in files being imported or exported always use mm/dd/yy format and are not affected by this setting.

Distance Format

Selects the units used for displaying distances - miles or kilometers.

Show Time Off Field

Normally only a single time is displayed for a log entry (the starting time for the QSO). To display an additional field for recording the ending time for a QSO set the Show Time Off Field option.

Show Satellite Fields

Normally the "Satellite Name" and "Satellite Mode" fields are not displayed. To display these fields set the Show Satellite Fields option.

Show Contest Fields

Normally the "Contest Out" and "Contest In" fields are not displayed. To display these fields set the Show Contest Fields option.

Log Field Group Display Options

In order to save screen space there are several groups of log fields that are not always displayed, "QSO Info", "Address", "Awards Tracking", and "Station Info". To cycle through these group click on the Show xxx Info checkbox at the lower left of the Log Window.

If you have enough space on your screen you can set one of the Always Show options for a log field group. In most cases its best not to select more than one of these Always Show options.

If you pick the Never Show option for any of the groups it will not appear as a choice when cycling through the log field groups using the Show xxx Info checkbox.

If you want a smaller Log Window you can set Include "Show No Info" as a "Show" Button Option. This will include Show No Info as you cycle through the log groups using the Show xxx Info checkbox.