Node File Commands

# Commands

Node files are simple text files that contain lines used to make connections to PacketClusters and other destinations. These files are simple text files with a .nod extension. Each line in the file starts with a command as described below.

Any line in a node file can contain "#" commands as used in CW and Packet messages. For more information on CW and Packet message "#" commands see Packet Messages.

Rem Command

Use "rem" commands to add comments to your node file or add a "rem'" to the start of a command to temporarily ignore it.

rem this is a comment
rem send #me

Send and Match Commands

The "send" command allows you to send arbitrary text. The "match" command creates pauses during the connect sequence and waits for certain text to be received. Upper/lower case differences are ignored by the match command.

Here's an example node file used to connect to a PacketCluster node via the Internet. Since the prompts and commands vary from cluster to cluster you may need to modify this example.

connect 7300 Make Internet connection
match login: Wait for login prompt
send #me Use my call for login ID
send set/page 0 Disable page breaks
send sh/fdx/25 Show some recent spots

Pause Command

The "pause" command allows you to program a delay in your node file. This can be useful if you need to wait for a response but you're not sure what the text will be so you can't use a "match" command.

pause 5 The pause time can be 1-30 seconds