Rotor Port Setup

If your rotor has a PC-to-rotor interface recognized by XMLog you can position it by:

To enable rotor control choose Options/Rotor Port Select and set options as described below.

Rotor Type

Pick a rotor from the list of those supported by XMLog by selecting from the Rotor Type: list. Choosing an entry from this list will set values for Baud Rate, Parity, Data Bits and Stop Bits.

To disable the rotor control feature select "None" from the Rotor Type list and then select the Save button.

Comm Port

Select the communications port you're using to connect your PC and rotor.

Since XMLog also uses comm ports for your TNC, CW keying or rig control you may receive a message about port conflicts. If you see this message choose Options/Packet Port Select, Options/CW Port Select or Options/Rig Port Select and resolve the conflicts - be sure each feature uses a different port.

Baud Rate

Most rotors communicate to a PC using a preset baud rate. The appropriate value is automatically set when you choose from the Rotor Type: list. Some rotors allow you to change the baud rate - be sure the rate you select agrees with the current value selected for the rotor.

Parity, Stop Bits and Data Bits

Most rotors use values of "None" for Parity, "1" for Stop Bits and "8" for Data Bits. The appropriate values are automatically set when you choose from the Rotor Type: list.

Non-Standard Option Settings

Some rotors allow you to use comm port settings other than the default preset values. After you select from the list you can manually set appropriate values.