Station Info Fields

Each log entry includes "Station Info" fields used to record the location and operator of your station when the QSO was made. Choose the Options/Station Info menu item to define the default values used for the Station Info fields. Since these Station Info values are saved as part of each log entry it's important to make sure your location and operator settings are up-to-date before adding or importing new log entries.

Note that editing the field vaules displayed by choosing the Options/Station Info menu item will not affect the values saved in existing log entries.

If you decide to include Station Info in your log entries you will be able to select sub-sets of your log based on your QTH, station operator, etc. This can be useful for selecting QSOs for LOTW (ARRL Logbook of the World) or for awards like WAS that place restrictions on your QTH. Being able to record your location can also helpful for mobile/portable operations or for "rover" operations in VHF contests.

The extra effort required to manage the Station Info fields may not appeal to everyone and it is not necessary to set them.

Station Info Fields

Here's a list of all the Station Info Fields:

Station Call The callsign you used to make the QSO
Operator Call The callsign of your station operator
Latitude Your station's latitude, for example: 43 43.79 N
Longitude Your station's longitude, for example: 72 11.38 W
IOTA Your "Islands-On-The-Air" identifier
Grid Square Your grid square
CQ Zone Your CQ zone number
ITU Zone Your ITU zone number
City Your city
State/Province Your U.S. state or Canadian province
County Your U.S. county
Country Your DXCC Country

Viewing and Editing Station Info Values

By default the Station Info values are not shown when displaying log records. To show these values:

This adds a Station Info display to the groups of log fields you can cycle to using the Show... button in the lower-left of the Log Window. Using this feature allows you modify Station Info values for the currrently displayed log record.

Setting Station Info Values for Multiple Log Entries

If you have a log containing entries without Station Info values or entries with incorrect Station Info values you may be able to use Edit/Change Station Info for Multiple Entries to update these entries. The general strategy is this:

Station Info Values - Importing Log Entries from ADIF files

When you choose the Import Export/Import ADIF File menu item you will be given the option of specifying values that will be used to fill in the Station Info fields for each imported entry. You have the choice of:

Note that any Station Info values supplied in the imported file will always be used. They will not be over-written by default values you provide.

Station Info Values - Exporting Log Entries as ADIF files

Station Info values are included for the log entries created by using Import Export/Export ADIF File. This means that the values will be available to other programs that import the ADIF file.

Using Station Info Profiles

Collections of Station Info values can be saved as a "Station Info Profile". This feature can be useful if you are active from several locations.

To manage Station Info Profiles open the Station Info window using the Options/Station Info menu item and then select from these entries in the Profiles menu:

Setting a default Station Info Profile

If you maintain multiple logs and you would like to have unique Station Info values for each log try using the "Default Profile" feature. This feature allows you to create a Station Info Profile for each log and have that profile automatically loaded when the log is opened. Each log has it's own set of Station Info Profiles and they are not shared between logs. This means that when you want to define a default profile to be loaded when a log is opened you must: