The CW Keyboard Window

When you choose View/Show CW Keyboard Window from the Log or Packet windows XMLog will display a separate window that allows you to enter text that will be sent as CW.

Characters that are entered in this window will be drained off to the left as they are sent. Unsent characters can be edited using Delete, Backspace, Ctrl+X, etc.

The CW Keyboard window allows you to change the speed by:

Sending CW from the Packet Window

To send a line as CW from the Packet Window enter a line of text as though it was to be sent to your current connection but use Ctrl+Enter rather than Enter to send the line.

You can also have the input area of the Packet Window act like the CW Keyboard Window by choosing CW/CW Keyboard Mode (or use the Ctrl+F11 shortcut). While in CW Keyboard mode any characters typed in the Packet Window's input area and drained off to the left as they are sent. Unsent characters can be edited using Delete, Backspace, Ctrl+X, etc.

When CW Keyboard mode is set the status bar at the bottom of the Packet Window will show "CW KB".

The Packet Window allows you to change the CW speed by:

Note that CW Keyboard mode is only available when the Packet window is in Split Screen mode.

Sending Files or Messages as CW

The Packet and CW Keyboard Windows provide a CW/Send File as CW menu item to allow sending a file as CW.

The Packet and CW Keyboard Windows also provide a CW/CW Messages... menu item for sending pre-defined messages. There are also keyboard shortcuts available to send theses messages, see CW Messages for details.