CW Messages

CW Messages

Choose Options/CW Options and Port Select to define messages that can be sent as CW.

To send CW messages from the CW Keyboard window mode use F1 through F8.

To send CW messages from the Packet window use Ctrl+F1 through Ctrl+F8. If the Packet Window is in "Pileup" mode, messages 4-8 can be sent using F4-F8, see CW Pileup Mode for details.

Use the F12 key or choose CW/Stop CW to stop any messages in progress.

Using # Commands in CW Messages

CW messages can contain "#" commands that get replaced by callsigns, log fields, etc. For more information on "#" commands see Packet Messages. Here's an example of a CW message using an # command:

CQ CQ CQ de #me #me k

In addition to the # commands available for packet messages there are three additional commands available for CW messages:

#pause value Value in seconds, limit=30
#repeat Restart the message
#file filename Send file

Here's an example of a repeating CQ message:

CQ CQ CQ de #me #me k #pause 3 #repeat

Or, if you had your CQ message stored in a text file:

#file c:\messages\cq.txt #pause 3 #repeat


XMLog can send the following punctuation as CW:

, . / ? ' " ; : - _ ( ) $ @

International characters

XMLog supports the following international characters:

Á . - - . - Ä . - . - Å . - - . -
É . . - . . Ñ - - . - - Ö - - - .
Ü . . - -

If you need other characters added, let me know.


Use the following characters to send prosigns:

= (BT, pause) + (AR, end message)
! (SN, attention) % (AS, wait)
^ (SK, end work) ~ (error, eight dits)