CW Setup

CW Setup

XMLog allows you to send CW from the Packet Window or from a separate CW Keyboard Window which is displayed by choosing View/Show CW Keyboard Window.

When XMLog is installed a second application, XCW, is also installed. XCW is a stand-alone version of the CW Keyboard Window which is useful when you want to send CW but you don't want XMLog running. Note that XCW has its own option settings distinct from XMLog.

XMLog can key your transmitter two ways:

The text used to send CW can come from:

CW Options

Before you can use the CW features configure your CW port by choosing Options/CW Options and Port Select and setting the following options:

Port and Keyer Type

Set Port to the port used to key your transmitter: COM1, COM2, etc. Set Port to "None" to disable CW keying. The port you select must be unique - it can't be the same port you use for your TNC or to control your rig or rotor.

After selecting the port you need to select the keyer type. If you have a K1EL WinKey select WinKey otherwise select PC Generates.

If you select PC Generates you must provide a PC-to-transmitter interface. These interfaces are available commercially or you can build your own using circuits described at the end of this section.

If you select WinKey you can set WinKey options by choosing the WinKey Options button. Documentation on the various WinKey options is available at


Set Speed to the initial CW speed to be used when XMLog starts up. Once you're under way you can change the speed by choosing CW/Faster (F9) or CW/Slower (Shift+F9). You can set an exact speed with CW/Set Speed (Ctrl+F9).

The CW Keyboard window also lets you change speed using the mouse wheel or the arrows at the right of the window.


The following notes apply to PTT control when the keyer type is set to PC Generates. WinKey keyers have their own set of PTT options that are available by choosing the WinKey Options button.

When you're running CW in QSK mode most rigs will automatically switch to transmit mode while the key is down - some rigs require you to enable VOX, others have a special QSK mode.

If you don't want to run in QSK mode you need a method to switch to transmit mode while CW is being sent. To accomplish this many rig-to-PC CW interfaces use one of the signals on the PC COM port to control the rig PTT circuit. XMLog will toggle this PTT signal when Enable PTT is set. You can include a pause between the PTT signal and the first CW element by setting PTT Delay.

The RTS signal of the COM port is used to control PTT - this signal is provided on pin 4 of 25-pin connectors and pin 7 of 9-pin connectors.

CW Sidetone

XMLog can generate a CW sidetone when the keyer type is set to PC Generates. Most people use their rig to generate a sidetone and in this case you should not set the Enable Sidetone option.

Note that when the Enable Sidetone option is disabled the sidetone setup info is still used if you have CW PacketCluster alerts enabled.

Choose the sidetone frequency by setting Tone freq. and choose the sidetone device by selecting:

Use PC Speaker:

Advantages: Available on most PCs.
Won't interfere with sound card.
Best timing on slow machines.

Disadvantages: No volume control.
Speaker may not be near by.
Not supported on 64-bit versions of Windows.

Use Sound Card/MIDI:

Advantages: Volume control available.

Disadvantages: Not all PCs support MIDI ports.
May interfere with other programs using the sound card.
Timing may be out of sync with sent CW.

Use Sound Card/Wave:

Advantages: Volume control available.

Disadvantages: Not all PCs have wave ports.
May interfere with other programs using the sound card.
Timing may be out of sync with sent CW.

Transmitter Keying Circuits

Here's all that's required to key your positive-keyed transistorized rig using a COM or LPT port. (Note that LPT ports are only supported for Windows 95 or 98). Use a small-signal NPN transistor like a 2N2222, 2N3904, 2N4401, etc.

For 25 pin connectors, DTR is pin 20 and Ground is pin 7.
For 9 pin connectors, DTR is pin 4 and Ground is pin 5.

For 25 pin connectors Strobe is pin 1, Select is pin 17, and Ground is pin 18.
For 36 pin connectors Strobe is pin 1, Select is pin 36, and Ground is pin 19.