The Callsign List

The Callsign List is used to associate specific callsigns with DXCC countries. This list allows XMLog to assign countries for calls that it can't "guess". Sometimes callsigns don't follow the rules or they may not be unique to a single country - a 3D2 call may be Conway, Fiji, or Rotuma.

When you're reading a DX bulletin and you see that there's going to be a DXpedition to FO0, JD1, 3D2 (or any country that doesn't use a 'unique' prefix) add this call to the callsign list so that country guesses for log entries and PacketCluster alerts will be accurate.

To display or update the Callsign List choose View/Show Callsign List from the Log or Packet windows.

Adding Callsign List Entries

After displaying the Callsign List you can add a new entry to the list by selecting the New button. The New button will display prompts for the new callsign and its associated country. For info on using the country selector see The DXCC Country List

If the callsign is appearing in PacketCluster spots in several forms (e.g. call and call/p), add an entry for each variation.

Deleting Callsign List Entries

To delete an entry, highlight it and select the Delete button.

Exit and Cancel

To close the Callsign List and apply any changes you've made select the Exit button. To close the window and discard any changes select the Cancel button.