Packet Window Layout

Split Screen Mode

The Packet window is normally split into two areas. Incoming data is displayed in the top part of the window and the line you're currently typing is displayed in the bottom part of the window. The line you're typing is not sent until you hit the Enter key. This means that incoming data can be displayed while you're composing the next line to be sent.

If you are using a TNC be sure to set it up so that it echoes characters sent to it. This allows the lines you send to be displayed amidst the incoming data in the top part of the Packet window.

If you need to have characters sent immediately as they are typed choose View/Split Screen and clear Split Screen mode - this will combine the input and output areas. Disabling Split Screen mode can be useful when you operate HF packet or other modes in which you need to send characters as soon you type them.

Horizontal Scrollbar

Sometimes incoming lines are too long to fit on the screen, especially if you're using a large font. XMLog provides two schemes for handling long lines, choose View/Horizontal Scrollbar to switch between the two.

The Status Bar

The status bar is displayed at the bottom of the Packet window. The status bar will display:

You can click on the "Scrolled" status in the status bar to scroll forward to the end of the output area. Clicking on "Pileup" or "CW KB" will clear these modes.

The Status Bar Clock

The status bars for the Log and Packet windows can also display the date and time. Choose Options/Status Bar Clock to enable or disable this clock.