Packet Options

You can display and edit the options for the Packet Window by choosing Options/Packet Options and Port Select and picking the Options tab (also see Packet Port Select, Packet Messages and PacketCluster Alerts for info on the other tabs).

The available options are:

Show Packet Window When XMLog Starts

When this option is enabled the Packet Window will automatically be displayed when XMLog starts.

Show Spots Map Window When Packet Window Starts

When this option is enabled the Spots Map Window will automatically be displayed whenever Packet window is displayed. For more information see Show Packet Spots Map.

Show Spots History Window When Packet Window Starts

When this option is enabled the Spots History Window will automatically be displayed whenever the Packet window is displayed. For more information see Show Packet Spots History.

TNC Escape

TNC Escape defines the character used to drive your TNC into command mode. This character is sent when you hit the F2 key. The default value is 3, which represents a Ctrl+C. For more information see TNC Escape. This option does not apply to Internet connections.

Send Pause

Defines a pause time (in seconds) that is used after each line sent using Send/Send File. For more information see Sending Text Files.


Selecting the Font button allows you to set the font used in the Packet Window. You can select any font but if you select a "proportional font" (where the width varies for different characters) the display won't line up in columns correctly. The non-proportional fonts available on most systems include Courier, Courier New, Andale MT, Lucida Console, FixedSys and Terminal.


Enabling History causes your session to be saved in a file when you close the Packet window. This saved session is automatically restored the next time you open the Packet window. For more information see History.


When Beep is disabled XMLog will ignore incoming beep characters. You may want to disable beeps when using PacketCluster alerts. For more information see PacketCluster Alerts.


Enabling Highlight allows XMLog to handle ANSI highlighting sequences for text in the Packet window. Some PacketCluster nodes send these sequences if you enable them by using the "Set/ANSI" command.

If your cluster node does not recognize the Set/ANSI command XMLog will automatically highlight the frequency/call portion of cluster spots when you enable the highlighting option. Any spots for needed counties will have the highlighted area extended a bit to make them stand out.