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Select U.S. County from List
Select IOTA from List
Set Fields from Callbook


Show QSOs and Check Call Window
Show World Map Window
Show Packet Window
Show Packet Spots Map
Show Packet Spots History
Show CW Keyboard Window
Show DXCC Country List
Show Callsign List
Show County List
Show IOTA List
Show Callbook Lookup


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Handle Bureau Card
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Add Mailing Labels For Selected Entries
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Update Packet DXCC Status


DXCC Totals
DXCC Checklist
DXCC Worked/Confirmed
DXCC Critical QSOs
DXCC Needed Countries
DXCC/Award Submission Tracking
WAS Totals
WAS Checklist
WAS Worked/Confirmed
WAS Critical QSOs
WAS Needed Countries
WAS Award Submission Tracking
WAZ Totals
WAZ Checklist
WAZ Worked/Confirmed
WAZ Critical QSOs
WAZ Needed Countries
WAZ Award Submission Tracking
Counties Totals
Counties Checklist
Counties Critical QSOs
Counties Worked/Confirmed
Counties Validation
IOTA Totals
IOTA Checklist
IOTA Critical QSOs
IOTA Worked/Confirmed
Grids Worked/Confirmed


Import ADIF File
Export ADIF File
Export CSV File File
Download/Validate LOTW Data
Validate LOTW Data
Apply LOTW Data to Log


Log Fields, Fonts, Default File...
Log Backups
Station Info
Verify Country Guesses
Enable Zone Prompts
Packet Options and Port Select
CW Options and Port Select
HF Rig Port Select
Rotor Port Select
QSL Labels Layout
Mailing Labels Layout
Callbook Setup
Status Bar Clock